MP Vijay Kumar Financial Reporting | First Lessons Financial Reporting CA Final M P Vijay Kumar
First Lessons Financial Reporting CA Final M P Vijay Kumar
Key features/ Highlights
- Full coverage of CA final revised new Syllabus
- Functional presentation of the theory
- Solved problems/illustrations/case studies exceeding 550
- A step-by-step methodology to solving problems
- Complete coverage of all past exam problem under the new syllabus
- Incorporating Standards on Financial Instruments  & Revenue
- Reference to Companies Act 2013 and Schedule Ill
Written in an easy to grasp style, this is a complete and dependable companion for self-study students, to gain expertise in the subject of Financial Reporting. Detailed explanation of every Ind AS with illustrations.
Coverage- Volume 1
- Accounting for Business Combination and Corporate restructuring
- Business combinations, Capital reduction, Demerger and Buyback
- Consolidation of Financial Statements Subsidiaries, Associates, JVs, and Foreign operations
Other topics
- Corporate Social Responsibility Integrated Reporting
Coverage- Volume 2
- Standards on Presentation Ind AS 1, 7, 8, 10, 21, 34 & 101
- Standards on Consolidation Ind AS 27, 28, 103, 110, 111 & 112
- Standards on Taxes & Revenue Ind As 12 &115
- Standards on Liabilities & Provisions Ind AS 19, 37, 102 &104
- Standards on Disclosure Ind AS 24, 33, 108 &113
- Standards on Assets Ind AS 2, 16, 20, 23, 36, 38, 40, 41, 105, 106 &116
- Standard on Financial Instruments Ind AS 32, 107&109
- Analysis of Financial Statements
- Unique analysis of Annual Report has been given for practical flair and to add clarity to the understanding
About The Author:-
Mr. M. P. Vijay Kumar has been the Chief Financial Officer of Sify Technologies Limited since October 18, 2007. Mr. Kumar has been Partner of Yoganandh & Ram, Chartered Accountants for the past eight years. His areas of expertise include financial/management consulting, legal advisory services and management audit. Prior to joining Yoganandh & Ram, Mr. Kumar worked for seven years with Sundaram Finance Services Ltd., Chennai, the investment banking division of Sundaram. His books published is Financial Reporting with Snow White Publishing CA Final in 2014 Edition and Business Laws, Ethics & Communication with Snow White Publishing for exam CA IPCC August 2014 Edition.
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