Commercial Financial Reporting CA Final Made Easy Ravi Kanth Miriyala
Commercial Financial Reporting CA Final Made Easy Ravi Kanth Miriyala
Description of Financial Reporting CA Final:
The Indian Accounting Standards (Ind AS) are “principle-based” standards. As we know that, these are mandatory for all listed companies and the other large unlisted entities in India. The Conceptual understanding of standards helps in applying in practical training and in practice as well. Being in the teaching profession for 10 years, we observed that, on numerous occasions, difficulties are faced by students in understanding standards and we believe that they need appropriate guidance for this. In our observation were, here are the reasons for such difficulties –
- The language used in the Ind AS
- Inter linking the standards
- Lack of explanation with the help of illustrations; Our struggle in understating and application of standards motivated to share knowledge through writing a book on Ind AS in simple, lucid language and with the best possible practical examples. We tried our best to eliminate these difficulties. We hope you will agree with us after reading the book.
Financial Reporting CA Final has the following unique features to help:
- Step by step approach to solve the questions.
- Student-friendly.
- Conceptual understanding of each point in the standard with a number of detailed examples.
- Easy language to understand.
- All the amendments on Ind AS.
- Summary of the Standard is presented in diagrams at the end of the respective standard.
- Differences between Ind AS Vs IFRS are well explained in easy language.
Contents of Book Financial Reporting CA Final:
- Introduction
- Framework for Preparation and Presentation of Financial Statements
- Important Basics of Ind AS
- Share-Based Payments Ind AS 102
- Investments in Associates and Joint Ventures Ind AS 28
- Business Combination & Corporate Restructuring Ind AS 103
- Consolidated Financial Statements
- Joint Arrangements – Ind AS 111
- Disclosure of Interests in Other Entities – Ind AS 112
- Separate Financial Statements – Ind AS 27
- Schedule III – Division II Financial Statements of a Company which is Complying with Ind AS
- Analysis of Financial Statements
- Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR)
- Integrated Reporting (IR)
About The Author (Ravi Kanth Miriyala and Sunitanjani Miriyala):
Ravi Kanth Miriyala is a Chartered Accountant practicing in Bangalore;
He mentors CA students for the course (Intermediate / Final) around 10 years on Accounts / Audit & Financial Management;
He has worked with four of the big audit firms like Deloitte and Price Waterhouse and developed great skills in the practical application of various accounting standards and Ind AS convergence.
He has more than 10 years of practical experience to his credit in the fields of accounting and auditing of various listed and other companies.
Currently, he is practicing the profession and working as a faculty member to various levels of professional courses. He has addressed a number of courses and corporate training on AS & Ind AS organized by various Professional Institutes. He is also an Ind AS consultant and has been guiding corporates on Ind AS convergence of financial statements.
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