Taxmann CA Final Financial Reporting Book | Taxmann CA Final New Syllabus Financial Reporting Parveen Sharma
Taxmann CA Final Financial Reporting Book | Taxmann CA Final New Syllabus Financial Reporting Parveen Sharma
Description of Taxmann CA Final Financial Reporting Book:
This book serves as a guide for students, in order to enhance their ability to integrate and solve problems in practical scenarios on Accounting Standards, Guidance Notes and Indian Accounting Standards (‘Ind AS’). It also helps the students in deciding the appropriate accounting treatment and formulation of suitable accounting policies. Lastly, this book helps the students in understanding, various forms of reporting (other than financial statements), and accounting for special transactions with a problem-solving objective. (Objective of ICAI’s Syllabus for Paper 1 – Financial Reporting).
The Present Publication authored by CA Parveen Sharma & CA Kapileshwar Bhalla, is the 4th Edition for New Syllabus (Updated till 31-10-2020 & amended by Companies (Ind AS) Amendment Rules 2020), with the following noteworthy features:
Coverage of this book includes
- ‘Financial Instruments’ (Ind AS 32, 109 & 107)
- ‘Revenue’ (Ind AS 115)
- ‘Leases’ (Ind AS 116)
- ‘Business Combination’ (Ind AS 103)
- ‘Consolidation’ (Ind AS 110,111,28 & 27)
- Companies (Ind AS) Amendment Rules, 2020
- CA (Final) – November 2020 Exam | New Syllabus
- [970+] Case studies, Clarifications and Examples have been given at various places in the book, to make students understand the complexities involved in Ind AS
- As per the revised syllabus announced by ICAI
[Student-Oriented Book] The authors have developed this book, keeping in mind the following factors:
- Interaction of the authors with his/her students, with specific emphasis on difficulties faced by students in the examinations
- Shaped by the author’s experience of teaching the subject matter at different levels
- Reaction and responses of students have also been incorporated at different places in the book
- Special emphasis has been given by the authors, on Ind AS, strictly from an examination point of view (including differences between AS and Ind AS and carve-in & carve-outs with respect to IFRS)
- [970+] Case studies, Clarifications, and Examples have been given at various places in the book, to make students understand the complexities involved in Ind AS
- Also, in order to address the complicated standards, various Examples, Diagrams, Charts, Clarifications and Explanations have been incorporated
- [Self-preparatory Book] The book has been written in a classroom-style-teaching methodology so that average students can understand & master the subject without assistance
- [Thoroughly Amended] Amendments related to IND AS-103, 116, and other amendments have been incorporated.
- Companies (Ind AS) Amendment Rules, 2020
Contents of this book are as follows
Part 1
- Framework for Preparation and Presentation of Financial Statements
- Ind AS on Presentation of Items in the Financial Statements
- Ind AS 1: Presentation of Financial Statements
- Ind AS 34: Interim Financial Reporting
- Ind AS 7 Cash Flow Statement
- Ind AS 115: Revenue from Contracts with Customers
- Ind AS on Measurement based on Accounting Policies
- Ind AS 8: Accounting Policies, Changes in Accounting Estimates and Errors
- Ind AS 10: Events after the Reporting Period
- Ind AS 113: Fair Value Measurement
- Other Ind AS
- Ind AS 20: Accounting for Government Grants and Disclosure of Government Assistance
- Ind AS 101: First Time Adoption of Ind AS
Part 2
- Ind AS on Assets of the Financial Statements
- Ind AS 2: Valuation of Inventory
- Ind AS 16: Property, Plant and Equipment
- Ind AS 23: Borrowing Cost
- Ind AS 36: Impairment of Assets
- Ind AS 38: Intangible Assets
- Ind AS 40: Investment Property
- Ind AS 105: Non-Current Assets held for Sale and Discontinued Operations
- Industry Specific Ind AS
- Ind AS 41: Agriculture
- Ind AS on Liabilities of the Financial Statements
- Ind AS 19: Employee Benefits
- Ind AS 37: Provisions, Contingent Liabilities and Contingent Assets
Part 3
- Ind AS on items impacting the Financial Statements
- Ind AS 12: Income Taxes
- Ind AS 21: The Effects of Changes in Foreign Exchange Rates
- Ind AS on Disclosures in the Financial Statements
- Ind AS 24: Related Party Disclosure
- Ind AS 33: Earnings Per Share
- Ind AS 108: Operating Segments
- Accounting and Reporting of Financial Instruments
- Ind AS 32: Financial Instruments (Presentation)
- Ind AS 109: Financial Instruments – Recognition and Measurement
- Ind AS 107: Financial Instruments – Disclosures
Part 4
- Accounting for Share-Based Payment
- Business Combination and Corporate Restructuring
- Ind AS 103: Business Combination
- Consolidated and Separate Financial Statement
- Ind AS 110: Consolidate Financial Statements
- Ind AS 111: Joint Arrangements
- Ind AS 112: Disclosure of Interests in Other Entities
- Ind AS 28: Investment in Associates and Joint Ventures
- Ind AS 27:Â Separate Financial Statements
Part 5
- Integrated Reporting
- Corporate Social Responsibility Reporting
- Ind AS 116: Leases
About the Author